The cellar and the wines.
Craftsmanship and nature are at the centre of Terreno’s philosophy. We have been organic since 2014, and every day, we are committed to respecting and preserving the precious ecosystem of Chianti Classico.

Our basic idea is reflected in everything we do, from the field to the finished bottle. In the cellar, we care for the grapes we have looked after throughout the year and try to help them become the best they can be without changing their character. The production of artisanal wines requires careful management and remarkable precision. A philosophy that we follow all year round and that begins in the vineyards. All the grapes are harvested by hand in small cases of twenty kilos during the harvest. Once they arrive in the cellar, a second manual selection occurs because only the best fruit enters the fermentation tanks. We only use natural yeast, and fermentation occurs in open 1000-litre containers for wines with ageing potential. Instead, for wines where we want to keep the primary fruit, we prefer to use steel tanks where we are able to control the temperature. For ageing, we only use large barrels to maintain the wine’s fruit best and prevent the wood from taking over. The choice of barrels is made in close collaboration with the coopers with whom we have chosen to collaborate and who have the same artisanal philosophy as Terreno. The goal is to create a natural balance between our surroundings and those who work and live on Terreno – and to produce wines that express their terroir.

Chianti Classico

The Chianti Classico wine region, located between the Renaissance cradle of Florence and the medieval city of Siena, quickly went from producing simple table wines to being one of the most quality-oriented regions in Italy. Being part of the Chianti Classico team is a great honour for us.

The sensitive sangiovese grows on the gentle hills, flanked by woods, olive groves and vines. A variety that, if well cared for, reflects its terroir extraordinarily – it is therefore possible to produce wines in different nuances that vary in style and character.

Terreno Chianti Classico Le Tre Vigne DOCG

Our flagship wine, the Chianti Classico, is the pillar upon which the rest of our production chain rests. This wine has the vital task of conveying Terreno’s deep roots and establishment in Chianti Classico, which it achieves with humble simplicity despite its strong character. The grapes are sourced from our three different vineyards, Le Tre Vigne, with different exposures, soils and altitudes, resulting in a balanced wine with great drinkability.

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Terreno Chianti Classico Riserva Le Bonille di Sopra DOCG

Our grapes sourced from the vineyard of Bonille are used for this Chianti Classico Riserva. Bonille is a vineyard with south- and southwest exposure and the vines grow on hand-built terraces in clay soil rich in calcareous. As a result, the wine has a tighter and spicier profile. It is aged in large oak barrels (12, 24 and 32 *hl*) and has a great ageing potential.

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Terreno Chianti Classico Gran Selezione Sillano DOCG

Sillano is a locality in Montefioralle where the vineyards reach an altitude of 500 meters on three different geological matrices. We obtain a vertically structured wine from this single vineyard, combining finesse and reactivity.

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Terreno Chianti Classico Gran Selezione ASofia DOCG

ASofia is our cru, obtained from the oldest vineyard, planted at the beginning of the 80s. It ages longer (30 months) in large oak barrels and is produced only in the best vintages in a limited edition. ASofia collects the elegance and the personality of the most nuanced wines in Chianti Classico.

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Our additional wines 

At Terreno, in addition to Chianti Classico we produce other wines. Alongside the historic white grape varieties, we grow a small number of international vines to integrate a broader and more complete range, from ready-to-drink everyday wines to wines capable of ageing. 

Terreno Bianco Professore IGT

From a vineyard planted on very sandy soil, with a prevalence of petit manseng and roussanne (plus a small part of malvasia and trebbiano), here is a more ambitious white, which ferments and ages in large barrels to last over time. 

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Terreno Otto Sillano IGT

This is a wine made with trebbiano Toscano from our Sillano vineyard 500 meters above sea level. Short skin maceration and ageing in clayver give youthful, fresh aromas with hints of grapefruit and apple. The taste is dry, with apparent fruitiness and elegant acidity. It is an excellent wine both as an aperitif and combined with food.

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Momento Massimo Toscana IGT 

Il Momento Massimo is our Super Tuscan: it is produced from a blend of bordeaux grapes, then matured for 24 months in barriques and tonneaux and refined in the bottle for at least two years.

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Terreno Metodo Classico Millesimato Quattro Sorelle

Terreno’s vintage sparkling wine is produced with the Classic Method after at least six years of ageing on the lees. Our surprising Blanc de Noirs is made with only sangiovese grapes, in a minimal edition and intended for festive moments.

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Terreno Grappa Sangiovese BIO

To make the best grappa possible, we have commissioned the famous Grapperia Nannoni here in Tuscany to distil our sangiovese grapeskins.

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Terreno Vin Santo del Chianti Classico DOC

Vin Santo di Terreno is obtained from the partial drying of trebbiano and malvasia bunches, hung in well-ventilated environments and finally vinified in traditional small barrels called caratelli.

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Our young wines

Bianco di Stella Toscana

This white made with local grapes is a delicate aperitif that prefers the discretion of mid-tones without artificial aromatic frills: it unfolds gradually and maintains a genuine flavour. 

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Rosato di Toscana

We like to think of our rosé as a light and graceful wine that gives its best at the table, expressing surprising resources when paired with vegetables from the garden. Here, its fragrance translates into the smoothness of a fresh and joyful wine.

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Il Momento Toscana

This is a red that doesn’t ask us to wait for it but to seize it on the fly. It is a dynamic and casual wine in continuous movement: its most engaging resource is the juiciness of the sangiovese, agile and carefree. 

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